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  Directions: Navigating the Facing Stigma Site


DIRECTIONS >  Explore at your own speed. Use the navigation links at left. Each main section has its subsections listed above. You will need a high speed Internet connection to view video and hear audio. Also, be sure to download the latest Flash and Shockwave plug-ins for the best listening and viewing experiences. Without these, please contact your local libraries for other places to view these files.

Special areas to check:
  INTRODUCTION: If you follow the main links and the subtopics under each heading, you can go through this site in order. First take an Attitude Survey and a Fact or Fiction Quiz to see what your attitudes are and what you know about mental illness before you go on. You may be surprised.

  JUST THE FACTS: Proceed through each page in order. After information about mental illness, you can hear some individuals telling their own stories.

CONSUMERS: Here are some tools for you to empower yourselves. Find out about support, healing with art, see artwork of consumers, and try online art tools. See videos of mindfulness exercises you can do right now.

 SUMMARY: Fill out Attitude Survey #2. Same instructions as survey #1.There is a Fact or Fiction Quiz #2 to see what you have learned.

 EVALUATION: tell us if this site has been helpful. Go to contact to reach the creator/webmaster of the site.

Graphics and text represent the following:
Reading material
  Video content
   Survey or presentation
Art or creative content
 Audio content
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